Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Becoming a Father

Guess wat? I'm getting married in like 3 months time? The wedding ceremony is planned on the 5th June 2011. Yes i know most people will think i'm getting married because of my soon-to-be-wife is pregnant. I admit it's true but i have always wanted to marry her. She is the one i love being with and will wan to spend the rest of my life with.

Her name is Miss Winny Twe aka Winnie Tan Wooi Ee.
She will be 21 this end of the year and she will be giving birth to Junior CCT in October 2011.

According to Chinese Zodiac, I was born in the year of Rabbit and Junior CCT will be born in the Rabbit year as well. Yeah i'm 24 years older than my baby which is something hard to find these days.

Most people getting married later these days once their career is stable but i don look at it this way. Perhaps they are worried that they wont be able to support the child. But think about it. Everyone just lives once. Do you still wanna be working when u reach 55? If you get married at 33 and got your baby when you're 34, by the time you are 55, your children is only 21 years old which is the age of college (most money spent during this period). Also don forget, he/she wont be the only child you getting, how if u get another when u r 38?

This year i'm 24, and by the time i'm 55, my son or daughter (most likely based on chinese prediction), my children will be 31 years old. Even if i do get another children at 28, they will only be 23 already. At least i will be able to enjoy once i retired and have a simple life earning based on my investment.

I had the choice of asking my soon-to-be-wife to abort the child but i didn't want it because with having a family at home, it somehow helps to control me and give me pressure to succeed. I might not be having stable financial status yet but it will slowly ease. If i am still single i believe i will still be fooling around spending all i have on unnecessary products. And in the end i will still end up having nothing when i get my first child.

So think about it, it is not really that bad to marry early and build family early. I wont regret.

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