Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dogs Abuser

Saw this blogspot on Malaysian Dogs at where it shows me how Malaysian and Asian likes abusing animals especially dogs.

Even though dogs are considered pet for most people but there are people out there who do not bother and somehow cruel towards animals. For instance, lately there was two massive dogs and cats abuse incident where this guy was spotted in the video abusing his poodle to stand solely on the two back legs and also another case where this tom boy was recorded by CCTV in killing kitten at the hallway.

How could these people do such thing? For a person like me, even when i lock my dogs outside (in a cage) the house i feel bad, imagine they torturing the dogs by hitting and slapping.

When u compare with people from US and Europe, they treat animals as part of their family. They bring their pet out for jog weekly and have their meal together. While Asian likes to treat animal as their servant where they have to eat at their cage or on the floor eating those leftover.

It is really sad to be part of the citizens here. The only way to stop all these cruelty and abusing is through Malaysian stricter law. Currently the fine for abusing animal is RM200. It is even cheaper than paying road summons. So government actually think that killing a dog is smaller case compare to a person driving at 140km/h on the road? Wow. Wat a country im living in.

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