Friday, March 18, 2011

I didn't think that tsunami is as bad as mentioned by the media as most pictures and video showing tsunami is not that serious. I only thought it will look like flood hitting Malaysia where your stuff will all be wet but still usable and your property will still be there. It might take u few months to earn back those money as replacement for those lost stuffs.

But from this recent tsunami which happened at Japan, i realized that tsunami is much worse compare to flood. Flood is when rain occurred for too long and the water had no place to go and end up flooded. But tsunami's case is different. It is like a huge wave hitting the seaside.
Normally when we go to the beach, when the wave is one feet we feels the water pushing us to the side. Imagine tsunami with height of 10m? Look at the picture below. The wave is half the height of the condominium and it is hitting the seaside. What will the pressure be like? Pity those cars inside which had no idea the wave was coming at their direction and next they will end up at somewhere far away.

I wished all the affected citizens at Japan luck in finding back their families and hopefully Japan will be back as i really admire the country which brought us sushi and many car brands.

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