After Marketing Director's Birthday, now we move on to the second youngest employee in the marketing team whom is one year older than me name Mico Chia Yin Leng (i'm 23 this year). We needed to celebrate late because her birthday fall on the weekend and i was on MC past 2 days (i'm not usually that important but this time the cake was with me so yeah HOHOHOHO). Kindly enjoy the pictures taken in the office on the 25th August 2010.

Cake that i bought from Lavender (damn expensive)

They actually celebrated one day earlier (this is the 2nd one as i already bought the cake and the presents were with me) but we requested her to act like so surprised again.

My boss, Janice and Birthday Girl

Present time (The bosses forced me to buy presents when i was supposed to be on MC so i decided to go to the nearest mall which is Aeon Bukit Tinggi and i got her some accessories)

Hope she wasn't faking it like the previous pic where she acted surprise with the cake -.-

There's only 5 of us as one were on MC and 2 more were away meeting

The cake didn't taste as good as it looked though